May is here.

Posted: May 1, 2011 in Neurosis
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Haven’t blogged in a while.  I spent the last week at my Aunt’s house where there is no Internet.  Talk about the most relaxing week I have spent in a long time.  See, it’s so much easier to ignore minor body “symptoms” when there’s no WebMD around. 

As you may have noticed, I didn’t title this entry “May is here!”.  Yes, I named it “May is here.” Simple matter of fact.  It’s here. 

For those of you who don’t know, I don’t like May.  See, in May of 2009, I fell in to a horrible TERRIFYING depression.  Ever since then, May hasn’t been the same.  I don’t look forward to it, I dread it.  The last week of April I spent at my Aunt’s house, scared out of my mind that May was nearing.  The second to last week in April, I spent a day in the ER because of a panic.  Whether or not that had anything to do with May’s inevitability, I’m not sure.  As I think back, however, there are many, many other Mays that haven’t been kind to me.  I won’t get in to that here, but let’s just say that May and I don’t get along. 

So, yesterday I had the mother of all headaches, and of course, the first thing I think is that I am having a stroke or something because I tend to expect the worst.  I don’t like taking drugs, so I suffered through the headache until I got out of work at 9, and at that point I had a choice.  I was starving, so I knew I would have to eat when I got home, but at the same time I couldn’t imagine staying awake long enough to eat and let the digestion process begin before laying down to sleep to get rid of the headache naturally.  I bought a bottle of Tylenol.  I took two caps when I got in the car at 9:14, and timed it.  Yes, I wanted to see how long it took for the medication to take effect.  Curiousity killed the cat… etcetera, but I was curious because I never take Tylenol.  I guess I’m lucky in that I don’t get unbearable headaches very often, so I don’t know how long Tylenol takes to kick in. 

Anyway, it took 15 minutes for the headache to lessen, it didn’t go away completely, but it did take the edge off.  When I got home, I was so frantic that I had taken a drug that instead of eating, I decided to start watching my body for signs of an allergic reaction.  I’ve taken Tylenol before and never had a problem, but ever since May 2005 when I had a tonsillectomy, I have been afraid of an allergic reaction to medications.  See, Amoxicillin, an antibiotic I have taken my entire life, suddenly gave me a head to toe rash and I found that I am allergic.  So, yeah, that’s where my fear of drugs stems from, and I’m sure all of my intelligent readers noticed that it was May 2005 when this occurred. 

I didn’t eat any dinner.  Instead, I decided to lay down and watch some television before I went to sleep.  It was during this time that I noticed that I was WIRED.  I couldn’t go to sleep if you had a gun to my head.  All I wanted to do was go out for a run.  I thought about who I could call (at this time, it was after midnight).  I channel surfed, trying to ignore the fact that I felt like I had just smoked crack, not that I have a basis for comparison, but I figure crack probably makes you wired.  So I grabbed my smart phone (mistake) and I typed in “allergic reactions to Tylenol” (mistake).  While I didn’t show any symptoms of an allergic reaction, I was concerned that it boasts sleep disturbances as a side effect.  I was also confused that it stated in one of the links that Tylenol is a narcotic???  I wouldn’t have guessed that, but then, I’m not a pharmacist.

As you probably guessed, no allergic reaction to speak of.  If I was having an allergic reaction, I wouldn’t be here typing, I’d be at the ER.  But, I will admit to thinking that because it was officially May 1st when all this was occurring, I was very nervous about it.  What a way to start off May.

This morning, I opted for decaf coffee, just in case.  I am occupying myself with laundry until my sister comes over.  I have found that watching Harvey Birdman DVDs keeps me laughing instead of panicking, so I have Harvey Birdman on in the background. 

Long story even longer, I have had an itch to shoot some film lately.  It’s been about 5 days now that I have had the hankering to load a roll of film and shoot some stuff the old fashioned way.  So, I loaded some Fuji 400 in my Canon Elan II and I shot about 10 frames.  Can’t post them here (of course), but I feel good now.  I wanted something and I did it instead of ignoring it.  I did it instead of writing it off as “stupid” or “too expensive” or any of the million other excuses I use to get out of doing something that I really want to do.  This makes me happy.

I am excited for May.  I want May 2011 to break the cycle of bad Mays so that I can see that bad things can happen at any time, it just happens that the May problems are the ones I remember because I have it in my head that May hates me. 

Here’s to a great May, everyone!
