Posts Tagged ‘Photoshop’

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts -- Charles Dickens

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts — Charles Dickens

Good morning, Phuktophiles!

I am going to make the post for Day Three short and sweet, mostly because I am typing this as I get ready for work … either this post or my makeup will suffer greatly.

So, I saw in a screen printing book (because yes, I read screen printing books, I’m a geek), a set of prints in which the artist took portraits and made them all two color, either black and magenta, black and green, black and cyan, etc. and I got inspired. I didn’t really have any photos that I could work with that I could think of off the top of my head, so I pulled up some shots I took for an idea that got lost in the traffic in my mind.

In the machine, 2013

In the machine, 2013

I call it “In the Machine”, and it terrifies me.

It isn’t a big drawn out project or anything, but if the motivation behind an artwork is to elicit a response, then this one elicits terror (for me, anyway, because it really scares me).

Anyway, like I said, short and sweet. It’s funny, sometimes the things that start off as an innocent test turn in to something you will hang on the wall in your first gallery show.

My time here is up, I have to finish getting ready for work. Damn you, Plants vs. Zombies for keeping me up past 2:00 again.

Kisses! I will see you later for DAY FOUR!