Posts Tagged ‘halloween’

Two posts in one day? How can this be??

Well, Phuktophiles, I ended up not being able to shoot more today due to yucky weather, but I did manage to do something creative.

I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games, too.  Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you."  --Dr Seuss

I’m afraid that sometimes you’ll play lonely games, too. Games you can’t win ’cause you’ll play against you.” –Dr Seuss

So, this is DAY TWO! The quote, I think, is pretty self explanatory. I am in a constant struggle with myself, and that is why I am doing this right now, to be honest. It keeps me somewhat sane. Anyway, I did manage to work on some things, practice things and not-so-practice things:

This is me, Adobe Illustrator style.

This is me, Adobe Illustrator style.

Now, I am not 100% sure where or how this started. Actually, that is a lie. I was making a cartoony type character of my panic monster and it morphed in to a cartoon of me. *Cue Twilight Zone music* yep, that is what brainstorming in Adobe Illustrator looks like, I suppose. Paging Sigmund Freud, your table’s ready …

Halloween character

A quick trip to Pat Catan’s craft store with Snotface LePupster (my little sister, for those just joining us)to cure her boredom put me in aisles full of Halloween decor. Well, that started in on another cartoony type character, who is as yet nameless.


And the Halloween themed cartoony character led me to this skull.


Which somehow led me to this cutesy owl.

Echo the Bunnyman

Which inexplicably led me to Echo the Bunnyman.

owl base artwork

And all that led me back to Illustrator, where I played with this image for a while and will probably work with it some more before I call it a finished piece. All in all, I would say that Day 2 of #ThirtyThirty #CraftyNine is a raging success. Tomorrow I go back to work after a long holiday weekend, so we shall see just how much energy I have at the end of the day to work on Day 3. Retail is a physically and mentally draining bitch, which is not a good thing, especially with the way I have been feeling lately. People just love to kick your dick in the dirt, don’t they? I guess that would make more sense if I were a dude, but you get my drift.

Until next time,
Deuces silly gooses!

Oh, wait, I forgot to add the panic monster:
Anxiety monsters